Δημόσιες επενδύσεις και οικονομική μεγέθυνση: η περίπτωση της Ελλάδας

Proceedings of the 2nd  Panhellenic Scientific Conference with International Participation “Greece-Europe 2020: Education, Lifelong Learning, Research, New Technologies, Innovation and Economy”, Lamia, 28,29,30 September 2018
Published: Oct 15, 2019
Greece G.D.P. public and private investments private consumption econometric analysis economic growth
Ελισάβετ Καραΐσκου
Παναγιώτης Πρόντζας
Ραφαηλία Καμενάκη

This paper attempts to investigate the role of public investments in the process of economic growth, focusin on the case of Greece. More specifically, it examines the impact of public investments on economic growth,as well as the intensity of this impact when compared to the effect of private investments and consumption.

This study is based on econometric analysis with macroeconomic data for Greece over the 2002-2017 period. The results show a positive, statistically significant but limited effect of public investment on GDP growth for the case of Greece during the examined time-period.

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Author Biographies
Ελισάβετ Καραΐσκου
PhD, Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών
Παναγιώτης Πρόντζας
PhD, Director, Grant Thortnon
Ραφαηλία Καμενάκη
Consulant, Grant Thortnon