The New Technologies (ICT) in Primary Education: The Case of Primary Schools of the Regional Unit of Evia, in the Unit of Central Greece

Proceedings of the 2nd  Panhellenic Scientific Conference with International Participation “Greece-Europe 2020: Education, Lifelong Learning, Research, New Technologies, Innovation and Economy”, Lamia, 28,29,30 September 2018
Published: Oct 15, 2019
Technologies of Information and Communication (ICT) Primary Education Census Research R.U. of Evia
Ελένη Χ. Τσιλέμου

In the context of the formation of a national educational policy, the integration of the Technologies of Information and Communication (ICT) in education constitute an issue of high priority for many countries, since their utilization is a case of an educational innovation that is able to substantially contribute, among others, to the technological and economic development of the country. In the last few years, similar endeavors have been observed in Greece and especially in Primary Education. These endeavors were mainly based on the need for improvement in the educational process, though without bringing the expected results, despite the increased expenses that have been made in this direction from time to time.

The purpose of this dissertation is the depiction of the existing situation in the Public Primary Schools of the R.U. of Evia, regarding the logistical infrastructure and the ICT equipment (P/Cs and Multimedia) they own and their utilization.

Research uses the Census Method, as it concerns the total number of school units of the R.U. of Evia (126 Primary Schools) for the school year 2017–2018. The empirical analysis is conducted with the “tools” of  Descriptive Statistics.

The main findings which emerged reveal that the ICT infrastructure is almost rudimentary for most of the schools of the R.U. of  Evia, the equipment owned is rather “poor” and the utilization of the ICT can be judged as insufficient, because it is limited to the requirements of the Analytical Curriculum (AC).
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