Ο καινοτόμος ρόλος του εκπαιδευτή ενηλίκων στο ΣΔΕ σωφρονιστικού καταστήματος: Η περίπτωση του ΣΔΕ Δομοκού

Proceedings of the 2nd  Panhellenic Scientific Conference with International Participation “Greece-Europe 2020: Education, Lifelong Learning, Research, New Technologies, Innovation and Economy”, Lamia, 28,29,30 September 2018
Published: Oct 15, 2019
Educator Vulnerable Social Groups Techniques Needs
Βασιλική Καπέλλου
Ελένη Χαλούλια


 The particular adult educators’ experience will be taken as our point of departure for this work as our duty to teach in a SCS rehabilitation centre . Prisoners are a most "vulnerable" social group, since prison acts as a place of social exclusion, despite the legislator’s contrary intentions, both for internees and released prisoners. Thus, the educator assumes the role of animator-facilitator and adviser for an effective learning approach by adopting the techniques and methods best suited to their learner characteristics and needs. The aim of this presentation is to outline the SCS instructor profile in a detention centre that differs significantly from that of the other SCSs.The case study of Domokos Prison SCS with two educators presents the characteristics of the adult educator teaching in detention centers and contributes significantly to the transformation of the negative emotions of the trainees to the positive contributions to the "total development of the personality of the individual "in accordance with the recommendations of the Council of Europe (1989)"to lighten" at the same time the days of their detention and supply them with "assets" that will allow them to pursue social integration after release.

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Βασιλική Καπέλλου
Εκπαιδεύτρια Ενηλίκων στον Ελληνικό Γραμματισμό