Εναλλακτικά μοντέλα στη διοίκηση της εκπαίδευσης: κοινωνική αυτοδιαχείριση με συμμετοχικότητα και με εκ περιτροπής οργανωσιακό συντονισμό

Proceedings of the 2nd  Panhellenic Scientific Conference with International Participation “Greece-Europe 2020: Education, Lifelong Learning, Research, New Technologies, Innovation and Economy”, Lamia, 28,29,30 September 2018
Published: Oct 15, 2019
educational reform educational administration participational administration
Αλεξία Καπραβέλου
Ιωάννα Λέμα
As fewer people accept social hierarchies, especially if meritocracy is absent, self-management is suggested as an organizational model in schools, aiming at social offer and coordination of the educational tasks, with teachers’ participation and exchanges in responsibilities and managerial positions. Propositions for education stems’ choice through democratic and meritocratic process could be as such: teachers’ participation, allocation of responsibilities, objective and severe stems’ choice based on additional qualifications, age, years of public service, and examinations including a multiple choice test or a presentation of case study. Headteachers could serve for two years, then they would be accessed for their ability to fulfill their duties, to perform educational events and to resolve problems with a high sense of responsibility, so that they can serve as principals again, in another school unit. Every school should have at maximum six classrooms of at maximum twenty pupils, in order to be coordinated more sufficiently and to offer chances to more education leaders with high qualifications to be put in each school. Recruitment of secretary, social scientist and auxiliary member would help headmaster to be concentrated to educational tasks and to human resources coordination. At last, some material motivations (salary and promotion) are essential for the administrators.
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Author Biographies
Αλεξία Καπραβέλου, Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο Κοινωνικών και Πολιτικών Επιστημών
Φιλόλογος, Διευθύντρια του Γενικού Λυκείου Σκοπέλου, Μ.Εd.Tech., Υπ. Δρ. Ed.-Soc.Pol. Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου
Ιωάννα Λέμα
Δασκάλα, Διευθύντρια του 27ου Δ.Σχ. Βόλου, M.Ed.Tech., M.Ed.Admin.