Οικιακό Σύστημα Υποβοήθησης πασχόντων από Άνοια

Proceedings of the 2nd  Panhellenic Scientific Conference with International Participation “Greece-Europe 2020: Education, Lifelong Learning, Research, New Technologies, Innovation and Economy”, Lamia, 28,29,30 September 2018
Published: Oct 15, 2019
Health informatics Human-centered computing Bluetooth devices Dementia
Ελένη Μπούμπα
Αργύρης Γκογκίδης
Ιωάννα Χαραλάμπου
Αργυρώ Νταλιάνη
Αθανάσιος Κακαρούντας

This paper proposes an innovative home system that is installed in the homes of people suffering from Dementia. The function of the system is to reproduce a distinctive sound for each of the familiar faces of the adobe to help him recognize his loved ones. A prerequisite for the proper operation of the system is the affliction of being able to associate his / her faces with specific sounds to make the corresponding person - to - sound link in the system. The proposed system is not only aimed at supporting people who are in the early stages of dementia syndrome, but also people suffering from other forms of neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Parkinson's, Epilepsy, etc.).

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