School Classroom: How the place can affect the students’ learning

Published: Jul 27, 2019
experiments place child learning research re-arrangement of the place grouping cooperation creativity
Μαρίνα Μπιτσάκη (Marina Bitsaki)

The demonstration of the place is of vital importance, as the human behavior is seriously affected by the place and its arrangement, as well as by the objects that exist in it. (Koutsouvanou 1990). Even more, the frequent contacts of children with the team of classmates in a friendly environment create the suitable framework for interpersonal relationships (Dunn 1998). Rog (2001) confirms that the criterion for the designation of the place must be the aims of the analytical school schedule. The place takes over the role of the teacher – assistant, who offers to children, motivations and creates conditions which can promote the development of skills and abilities (Dudek 2005). The procedure that is going to be used, for the research, is the alternation of specific territorial characteristics; then the observation and the recording of children’s behavioral change, according to Likert’s climax and in the end, the drawing of conclusions. This research is based on the diversification of the two teams. On the supervising team, where the lesson goes on with no changes concerning the arrangement, plus the teacher – centered approximation and on the experimental team where changes happen, concerning the place and when the learning is student – centered. The results of the research are mentioned along with the comparison of grades between the supervising team of grades between the supervising team and the experimental team, with the support of Likert’s climax as It was previously mentioned.

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  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD Ι Transformations of schools’ spaces and educational change
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