Learning space design for preschool children: investigating the courtyard in kindergarten

Published: Jul 27, 2019
preschoolers courtyards kindergarten learning space play
Σοφία Χατζόγλου (Sofia Chatzoglou)
When it comes to children, space, according to development theory, needs to be a field of action and play. Learning is a procedure in which the people as well as the activated space mutually participate in. Variety, responsiveness and complexity, are important factors to be embedded into design for children program (Ulvund). Additionally Lennie Scott Webber (2009) presents archetypal attributes for knowledge environments, indicating the informal learning process. Our study includes bibliographic analysis, concerning spaces designed for children with the focus on the courtyards in kindergartens, and it expands with a field research conducted in 3 kindergarten in Bordeaux (France) in 2004 and a supplementary field study in the Forest kindergarten of Athens. This multi-modal analysis aims at investigating the impact of environmental and social variables of the courtyard on children's behaviour and their spatial experience. 373 We conclude that when trees, shrubs, etc. can be involved in the children's game, the variety of children's actions in spaces with play equipment that clearly attract children, can be multiplied. However, a space invites children to explore and manipulate its feautures, when the social and cultural environment is also friendly to them.
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  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD Ι Transformations of schools’ spaces and educational change
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