Space as a means for education and creative learning

Published: Jul 27, 2019
space flexible space creative learning learning process freedom of movement and expression
Πολυάννα Παρασκευά (Polyanna Paraskeva)

Learning is not effective if not provided within the suitable setting. Space is a decisive factor for the learning process. It can play a reinforcing role, if the teacher has refuted is willing to apply creative processes.

In tightly built, urban environments, learning facilities should offer children comfort, freedom of movement and expression, as well as choice and free will, the feeling of discovery, surprise and the unexpected. They need to supply children a variety of experiences, put them in contact with nature, allowing them to decompress both physically and mentally, in order to explore their dexterities, gain autonomy and earn knowledge in their own right.

A flexible environment can be transformed; it may become a place of conversions; it may welcome new uses and activities and offer the possibility of socialisation or –sometimes– isolation.

Architecture’s mission is to provide solutions for the relationship between children and their environments. The adult designing for children, digs out memories, experiences, unwanted desires, and is sometimes self-identified, when trying to fill-in the blank paper with the first draft sketches.

During this presentation, we will attempt to uphold the above principles, using examples from implemented projects of the practice “Polyanna Paraskeva and Associates”.
Article Details
  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD Ι Transformations of schools’ spaces and educational change