Architecture for kids, gazing at the future or ThinkBig!

Published: Jul 27, 2019
architecture4kids architecture education urbanism sustainability participation
Φιλίτσα Δασκαλάκη (Filitsa Daskalaki)
Πηνελόπη Κουβαρά (Penelope Kouvara)

Defining architecture as a cultural expression that brings together science and art, weobserve its evolution following the ever-changing cultural and social conditions. Architecture is a dynamic process that foresees and accommodates those needs and everyone should be involved in it but primary education does not aim to teach children to observe, understand and appreciate the built environment.
architecture4kids,, is an introduction to architecture for primary school children. It is the age that education builds citizens, whereas after this stage, education focuses on creating professionals. Their imagination and positive thinking act as a foundation. Based on parts of the school curriculum, the workshops provide a multi-level approach.

By encouraging creativity, positive thinking and better understanding of the urban ecosystem in primary education, we can hope to raise committed citizens. It is necessary to educate children in sensible urbanism and sustainable planning, so that they realize that every small or big decision they make influences their everyday environment.
We plan and design our utopian cities with new materials and shapes in two-dimensional or three-dimensional structures.Children learn that cities are remarkable and malleable environments and become aware of their potential to change them for the best.

Article Details
  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD ΙΙ & ΙΙΙ The multimodal intersection of urban and educational spaces & The city as a learning environment
Author Biographies
Φιλίτσα Δασκαλάκη (Filitsa Daskalaki)
Πηνελόπη Κουβαρά (Penelope Kouvara)
Visual Artist