Adaptation of the Crowdfunding economic model to the school classroom to upgrade the school space and connect the school with the community

Published: Jul 27, 2019
Crowdfunding intangible rewards education
Μαρία Μαουτσίδου (Maria Maoutsidou)
Παύλος Πετσάβας (Pavlos Petsavas)
Παναγιώτα Ζαχαράτου (Panagiota Zacharatou)

The improvement of the school’s premises as well as the environment, the connection between the school and the surrounding society in addition to the pedagogical redesigning of the classroom, requires a study conducted among different materials. All the requirements, if applied, they would result in the school’s success. Innovative studies and research would lead to educational adaptations thus, implementing these changes into the school and eventually to improve all the educational process.

The model of Crowdfunding or any other type of funding, eventually will convert the motivation of the financiers of the program to accept intangible rewards.

  • How can an economic model boost the improvement of a school?
  • How can the Crowfunding model intertwine between the school and the society?
  • How can the motivation of the financiers interfere in improving the school?
  • And finally, what is the secret of success of any educational change?
This study tries to answer the latter questions concerning specific cases.
Article Details
  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD IV Introducing innovations for the upgrade of the educational environment
Author Biographies
Μαρία Μαουτσίδου (Maria Maoutsidou)
Social Scientist
Παύλος Πετσάβας (Pavlos Petsavas)
Παναγιώτα Ζαχαράτου (Panagiota Zacharatou)
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