Students color their school according Deming’s Philosophy

Published: Jul 27, 2019
landscape psychology improvement environment Deming color
Πρόδρομος Μπρούσας (Prodromos Mprousas)

Improvement and innovations within the area of education, due to modern pedagogical, educational, cultural, social-economical and technological requirements, are an urgent need. The educational process and its subsequent development of the learner takes place in a natural, social, cultural and psychological environment. A satisfactory environment is crucial for the constructive learning. This environment is a combination of elements such as lighting, sound, volume which together with color influence or complete the experiences of the subject being learned. This investigative project concerns itself with the relationship between color and the learning process and has as its goal to determine what must be prevented or faced so that the best possible learning environment can be created. At the same time, as the character of modern education seems to be investment, this project presents a tool of Total Quality Management, for being perceived some basic organizational meanings. Strategies proposed for designing environments that encourage learning procedure, cultivate skills, reduce stress and help the student focus on the supplied educational product. Finally, the importance of color is examined in the built environment and its impact on users.

Article Details
  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD IV Introducing innovations for the upgrade of the educational environment
Author Biography
Πρόδρομος Μπρούσας (Prodromos Mprousas), Aristotle university of Thessaloniki

Greek Literature teacher in Secondary School

Master in “Total Quality Management and Innovative Implementations on Education” program, AUTh

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