From School Library 1.0 and School Library 2.0, to the challenges and prospects for the establishment of School Information Centers in Greek Schools

Published: Jul 27, 2019
School Library school library 1.0. school library 2.0 Icentre School Information Centre school libraries-Greece
Γεώργιος Ζάχος (Georgios K. Zachos)

In countries with developed school education their school libraries covered already a long morphological and operational route: From the traditional Library which was based on printed sources and covered a significant area in the school building for its housing, they moved gradually to the School Library 1.0 which relies heavily on online sources and less on printed, has limited housing requirements and its actions and functions cover the entire school building.

In recent years the development of the participatory Web 2.0 transforms also the School Library 1.0 to the School Library 2.0 which operates as the ‘Information School Centre (iCentre)’ with direct organizational and functional relationship with the IT infrastructure and the related educational and operational activities of the school.

Our schools, in their overwhelming majority, despite examples of important school libraries in the past, and the ineffective efforts of their development in recent years, deprived of School Libraries. However with the exploitation of information technology, small building interventions and the provision of limited resources,- but with a strong will of change and modernization both by the political leadership and the teachers - we can lead directly to the third stage of school libraries development and to create in our schools ‘School information Centers’ that will incorporate: library functions, reference support of school’s educational work, training of students in the information literacy, use of informational technology and exploitation of the practices of participatory Web 2.0.

With the development of ‘School Information Centers’ we can treat with the most modern and effective manners, the disability that now have both our school education and our school buildings.

Article Details
  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD IV Introducing innovations for the upgrade of the educational environment
Author Biography
Γεώργιος Ζάχος (Georgios K. Zachos), University of Ioannina

Dr., Director, University of Ioannina Library

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