Designing an innovative model of school environment

Published: Jul 27, 2019
Innovative Bioclimatic School European School Crete model of school environment school as a hug connection with Nature
Θεοδώρα Κυριαφίνη (Theodora Kyriafini
Φωτεινή Λυμπεριάδου (Fotini Lymperiadou)

Through the example of the ‘Innovative Bioclimatic European School in Crete’ (1st prize in the International Architectural Competition UIA-International Union of Architects / SBO), which is under implementation, aspects of the built environment are discussed, as a model with beneficial effects on the pupils’ psyche.

The school as a big hug is organized around enclosed courtyards with arcades. Courtyards offer a feeling of familiarity and security while supporting teamwork and playing.

The buildings have a small and child centered scale, approaching the consciousness of the pupils according to their age.

Connection with nature plays a catalytic role in healthy psychosomatic development of children.

Flexible spaces give the opportunity for individual learning, cooperation of classrooms and outdoors teaching.

The students are given the opportunity to familiarize the space, aiming at experiential learning.

The school is an activation site of love for nature. Its bioclimatic and ecological character, as an example of sustainability, supports experiential environmental education. Natural light and the quality of the air that is achieved with natural, ecological, non-toxic materials ensure health and wellness.

The aim is the school premises to promote the joy of the present moment and the pupils to feel them as ‘theirs’.

Article Details
  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD Ι Transformations of schools’ spaces and educational change
Author Biographies
Θεοδώρα Κυριαφίνη (Theodora Kyriafini

Dipl.-Ing. Architect

Φωτεινή Λυμπεριάδου (Fotini Lymperiadou)

Dipl. Architect

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