Defining the urban environment of school and preschool children Presentation of children’s experiential activities: City as concept and as creation of childhood

Published: Jul 27, 2019
model child kid architecture space experiential childhood action game urban environment architectural vocabulary sketch dialogue city craftsmen / constructions multimodal approach fantasy experience paper box drawing façade
Δέσποινα Βανιώτη (Despina Vanioti)
Ειρήνη Κρασάκη (Eirini Krasaki)

Within the educational children’s activities that were organized by the Municipal Library of Grevena during the second half of August, two similar groups of five hours duration each, titled as ‘Multi-color’ city and ‘Workshop for young architects’ took place. The actions were addressed to children on the first grade of elementary school and preschool. A participation of girls and boys aged from 5-10 years was very satisfactory. The action took place outdoor, in front of the library.

The purpose of this action was to test in practice the educational school activity plan entitled ‘Architecture goes to School’, conducted as part of a wider project entitled "child-centered approach and its’ application in modern school" as part of the Course of Children's Education that was developed during the study at the Department of ASPETE Kozani (2013-2014).

The objectives that were initially set, in addition to fun and creative learning, were:

  • The approach and understanding of the urban environment through acquaintance with the architectural vocabulary and architectural sketch.
  • The incitement to dialogue in order to seek and identify the positive and negative aspects of the city that we live in.
  • A description of the imaginary ideal city – aesthetic and emotional childhood approaches.
  • The group action aiming to create a model of the imaginary city.
Article Details
  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD ΙΙ & ΙΙΙ The multimodal intersection of urban and educational spaces & The city as a learning environment
Author Biographies
Δέσποινα Βανιώτη (Despina Vanioti)

MΑ, Architect Engineer AUTH

Ειρήνη Κρασάκη (Eirini Krasaki)

MΑ, MRes, Architect Engineer UΕL

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