Active Harmonious Coexistence of Children with their Environment

Published: Jul 27, 2019
experimental communicative learning cooperative learning interdisciplinary systemic approach flexibility variety educational process physical learning environment
Θωμαή Μπατιάνη (Thomai Batiani)

In the modern rapidly updating world we are living, the new theoretical and research data about child’s learning and development promote the necessity of the reconsideration and readjustment of teaching and learning content. In an attempt of school modernization, the experimental communicative learning, cooperative learning, interdisciplinary and the physical setting are recommended as the new aspects of knowledge approach. This assessment starts with reference to the contemporary pedagogical trends that influence the educational policy and thought. Afterwards, it describes an attempt of contemporary implementation in a kindergarten located at the prefecture of Chania in Crete.  Thereafter, it follows a redesigned proposal of school yard based on the contemporary pedagogical principles of school organized. The report focuses on the transformation of a flexible and varied physical environment under the prism of systemic theory. The ultimate purpose is to encourage children’s active participation in their action spaces. Considering this data, the child becomes the protagonist of his knowledge while his overall development is supported.

Article Details
  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD Ι Transformations of schools’ spaces and educational change
Author Biography
Θωμαή Μπατιάνη (Thomai Batiani)

Kindergarten Teacher

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