The children reorganize the space of their classroom: an action research at kindergarten based to the «Mosaic Approach»

Published: Jul 27, 2019
space reorganization «Mosaic Approach» Cooperative Learning kindergarten
Αλεξάνδρα Γκλούμπου (Alexandra Gkloumpou)
Δόμνα Μίκα Κακανά (Domna Mika Kakana)

The basic aim of the study was children’s energetic involvement in a research process, through the reorganization of their classroom’s space, with the implementation of the cooperative learning.

The research process was based to the «Mosaic Approach», as a participating action research, where the children take part at the educational process, as «active subjects and researchers». The research tools were photography, book making, children’s painting and children’s interview. The children’s role was participating and the kindergarten teacher was also the researcher.

For the analysis of the research data, a qualitative method of content analysis has followed and forms of participating assessment were adopted. The results showed that the children were able to take initiatives about the effective conduct of the research process and of the decision making about the reorganization of classroom’s spaces, which each group had chosen. They were pleased that they created new places with new furniture according to their wishes and with their contribution, a fact that contributed to the enhancement of the classroom’s psychological climate. According to the recent results it is clear that the active children’s participation to the reorganization of classroom’s space broadens their communicative relationships inside the working groups and contributes to the conduct of children’s participating research.

Article Details
  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD Ι Transformations of schools’ spaces and educational change
Author Biographies
Αλεξάνδρα Γκλούμπου (Alexandra Gkloumpou), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Kindergarten Teacher, PhD, Auth
Δόμνα Μίκα Κακανά (Domna Mika Kakana), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Professor, Dept. of Early Childhood Education AUTh


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