Creating child’s space at school: the «U» Approach and the Pedagogical Space Design

Published: Jul 27, 2019
The User approach school space space flexibility places pedagogical space design
Δημήτρης Γερμανός (Dimitris Germanos)

The school building design is liable to regulations that aim at the space creation through two targets. The first one is the materialization of the pedagogical and social directions of the education, while the second refers to the adjustment of the educational environment to the student.

As the research in Greece shows, the design frame of the school space is characterized by out of date architectural and pedagogical stereotypes that prevent school’s educational upgrading. These stereotypes form an educational environment for the child with criteria especially for what has to do instead of what is the child.

In the opposite direction, the approach to school design that adapts to the student himself considers him an active participant in the educational process. This is the user approach (the "U" approach) that combines the cognitive and psychosocial requirements of the educational process with the pupil's age-specific characteristics and points of interest, which integrate into the architectural design.

This approach is implemented through the method of Pedagogical Space Design, which uses the criteria for the organization and use of the school space, which correlate the child's characteristics with those of the cooperative method. The implementation of this method in Greek and Cypriot schools provides an alternative to the creation of children's places in the educational environment.

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Author Biography
Δημήτρης Γερμανός (Dimitris Germanos), Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki

Professor, Dept. of Early Childhood Education, AUTh

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