Athens Open Schools: A creative place for everyone with recreational, cultural, educational and sports activities

Published: Jul 27, 2019
Open Schools Municipality of Athens Stavros Niarchos Foundation activities education culture sports technology open school yards playing - games neighborhood school community local community open call civil society
Μαρία Ηλιοπούλου (Maria Iliopoulou)
Ειρήνη Χαζάπη (Irene Chazapis)
“Open Schools” is an innovative program, initiated by the Municipality of Athens, which opens up school premises, after the morning school session, during the afternoon hours and on weekends, for the benefit of the neighborhood. The initiative is run thanks to the exclusive donation of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
Based on this program, the school buildings are converted into living cells of the neighborhood with recreational, cultural, educational and sports activities for all age groups. The activities available at “Open Schools” are proposed by either organizations or individuals and are then selected through a specific evaluation process and co-organized by the organization and the Municipality.
The “Open Schools” program takes care of a long-standing need of educational communities to use the school buildings after the morning session is over. In addition, the program ensures that through the Municipality this is implemented and coordinated properly. In a city like Athens, or in other cities in Greece, where urban planning has not taken into consideration the need of open and public spaces; the protected schoolyard can be used for the benefit of children and teenagers under the supervision of parents / adults.
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  • THEMATIC FIELD ΙΙ & ΙΙΙ The multimodal intersection of urban and educational spaces & The city as a learning environment