Play as a “crevice” in the space of the city: the Spielraum

Published: Jul 27, 2019
child play city urban space design practice
Γαρυφαλλιά Κατσαβουνίδου (Garyfallia Katsavounidou)

In an attempt to critically investigate the relationship between childhood and urban space, the introduction of the concept of play – a concept ontologically significant for the human condition, as shown in the works of philosophers such as Kostas Axelos and Hans Georg Gadamer – constitutes a form of tactical use of public space and as a constituent of its mental image for the child. Thus, research was led beyond prescribed scientific discourses towards the formation of a three-fold research subject, that of “child, play, city”, or Spielraum, a new concept to express this triptych. The Spielraum becomes the diagrammatic description of an “other” world, a world in which the spirit of play, of freedom, of creativity, now marginalized by the technocratic production of city space, will guide design; where the city will be taking care of children, because ”otherwise it would be unworthy of being called a city“, to use Aldo van Eyck’s words; and where design will work together with pedagogy to promote new principles and new values, confirming Henri Lefebvre: “there can be no different society without a different space”.

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  • THEMATIC FIELD ΙΙ & ΙΙΙ The multimodal intersection of urban and educational spaces & The city as a learning environment
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