Possibilities for collaboration among educational and municipal services in a city with panspermia of Preschool Education buildings

Published: Jul 27, 2019
Preschool Education kindergarten space kindergarten municipality collaboration
Παναγιώτης Ι. Σταμάτης (Panagiotis J. Stamatis)

Preschool Education should primarily interest the reformers of the Greek educational system, since the building infrastructures for preschoolers, the ‘kindergartens’, consist a qualitative indicator of the interest that state demonstrates for them. Numerous studies and publications, with a rising interest especially in the last few years, constantly refer to the issue of the preschool environment, in an effort to evoke awareness on the specific political authorities of the Ministry of Education. The purpose of that effort is permanently the improvement of kindergarten spaces, not only at the level of their building maintenance, but also at the level of their functional updating and their interconnection with the necessities and the capacities of the city in which they are placed, so as to be able to use urban structures sufficiently and vise versa. 

In the present research, what is under investigation, is the presentation of proposals for interconnection and collaboration between kindergartens and the city of Rhodes, through a survey-data analysis study that was conducted in the kindergartens of the city of Rhodes. These kindergartens are considered to be enlightening cases of Preschool Education building panspermia. Concluding statements are based on the opinions of the directors of the kindergartens and municipality, who are responsible for educational issues. Opinions were noted down, using the semi-structured interview method. It is concluded that there are limited possibilities for collaboration development between educational and municipal authorities, due to different perceptions of each side concerning functional, pedagogical and cultural issues.

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  • THEMATIC FIELD ΙΙ & ΙΙΙ The multimodal intersection of urban and educational spaces & The city as a learning environment
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