BOOX : An installation about books and architecture

Published: Jul 27, 2019
space child book architecture reading multi-functionality play self-development assembly portability network
Θανάσης Φώτου (Thanassis Fotou)
Ναταλία Μπαζαίου (Natalia Bazaiou)

Boox is a mobile and assembled space that can be transferred around elementary schools and has a double role: that of a library as well as that of enjoyable surroundings, which enhances reading as a pleasurable and joyful experience. It targets mainly schools, in which the relation between children and books is currently marginalized. Boox does not propose a specific way of usage. Instead, children can use it in any way they choose, creating in this way their own spatial narrations. The flowing structure of Boox disrupts the established meanings of library, reading room, opening and entrance. Everything is diffused, calling for exploration.

Through their contact with a space that allows freedom in usage, children associate the time dedicated to reading books with positive emotions. Also, the differentiated and unexpected spatial experience, stimulates their natural inquisitiveness about what really architecture is and how it can literally transform the quality of our lives and our activities.

What Boox fulfills, is the need for spatial stimulations in children’s scale, in osmosis with an alternative educational convention. A convention that offers a chance of spatial experience, triggered by the concept of reading, which Boox confronts as of equal value with the concept of space.

Article Details
  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD Ι Transformations of schools’ spaces and educational change
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