The education in the island of Santorini in Greece, during the beginning of the 20th c. and the ‘Kallias’ type school buildings: Past, present and perspectives

Published: Jul 27, 2019
Santorini educational system school buildings history of Greek education Dimitrios Kallias
Κατερίνα Ριτζούλη (Katerina Ritzouli)

Within the Aegean space, since the late 19th century, conditions are created for the preparation of the Greek Revolution and the establishment of the Modern Greek State. Τhe Τheran orthodox society promotes the vision of providing Greek education for all the children of the island. This period coincides with the issuance of the Royal Decree of May 17, 1894 entitled "About the construction of schools" based on the work of the state engineer D. Kallias. The proposed school buildings are constructed in every part of Greece and in every settlement of Santorini, creating new cores of urban extensions. Their construction becomes a unique example of the adaptation of local building techniques on the proposed architectural types. Most school buildings are preserved and operated hitherto, some of them renovated after the 1956 earthquake.

In this paper, the historical context of the “Kallias” type buildings is documented and their architecture and construction are recorded and analyzed. Their architectural characteristics are also investigated through the contemporary data (urban planning, architecture and construction) according to the new outlines of the technical and spatial requirements within the contemporary context of the quality upgrading of school buildings.

Article Details
  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD Ι Transformations of schools’ spaces and educational change
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