Α Theoretical Framework for the investigation of effective learning environments

Published: Jul 27, 2019
effective educational environments relational theories conceptual and methodological framework
Νάτια Χαραλάμπους (Nadia Charalambous)
Χρυστάλα Ψαθίτη (Chrystala Psathiti)

Current conceptions about knowledge and education point towards a reformed understanding of learning and teaching process, while pose fundamental questions regarding the nature of the school space itself. Specifically, the active construction of knowledge, the involvement of experience as well as the importance of the immediate stimuli (either social or physical) in learning processes point towards a renewed understanding of the school space as both spatial and social system. Therefore, this study aims at constructing a unified theoretical and methodological framework able to decode the nature of effective educational environments through a parallel exploration of educational theories and relational approaches. In detail, the study examines jointly pedagogical and socio-spatial approaches while the specific case of Cyprus is used so as to address the complex nature of educational environments and to reveal their relationship with socio- political and relational aspects. Finally, this study examines critically theories that recognise space as relational and suggests a possible theoretical and methodological framework through which the nature of the educational environments can be decoded outlining their complex socio-spatial dimension as well as all the actors, processes and factors behind its crystallized form.

Article Details
  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD Ι Transformations of schools’ spaces and educational change
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