Five thoughts on designing a school: New School Chýně - Prague / Czech Republic 2015 Competition

Published: Jul 27, 2019
pedagogical qualities of space fluidity flexibility
Claudio Conenna
Αβραάμ Παπαδόπουλος (Avraam Papadopoulos)

1st Thought / The mind of the architect
The human mind is a peculiar machine. Its function rests on combinations ofexperiences, memories, and knowledge in the presence of imagination, in a delicate process. By extension, the mind of the architect composes, by synthesis, spaces and forms, depending on the question to be resolved on each occasion.
2nd Thought / The children
The primary school in question is for children up to 15 years of age.
3rd Thought / Playing in street and square
Streets and squares are places where people meet and interact. That is, they are the public, social, polyvalent field of habitation of our cities. ...For the people of Chýně, the new primary school will also serve as a new educational, cultural, social and sport center... One more element to enter into the equation, along with those of the neighborhood, village or city.
4th Thought / the Subject, the Site, the Place
A primary school is a place of learning and socializing; it is not merely a collection of classrooms and courtyards. The shape of the lot, the social and spatial qualities of the city and the educational aims in the framework of a communicational, collaborative pedagogy gave us the idea of a street and square.
5th Thought / the Synthesis / the Project
How children’s restlessness, communication and collaboration, play and learning, were actualized in the design.

Article Details
  • Section
  • THEMATIC FIELD Ι Transformations of schools’ spaces and educational change