Symposium C (Synopsis): The new physics / sciencecurricula of high school, gymnasium and primary school - Pursuits and expectations

Published: Sep 12, 2024
Georgios Kalkanis

In the Symposium will presented the new Physics / Science Curricula of High School, Gymnasium and Primary School, as well as their pursuits and expectations. We consider the New Physics / Science Curricula as modern and innovative, but "open", "exploratory" and "interdisciplinary" for students / future citizens who will discover new knowledge, practice new skills and make rational decisions throughout their life. Among their main objectives are their modern thematics, the Pedagogical Transformation of information into knowledge, the Investigative Methodology with mandatory Practical Experimentation, modern Technologies and especially the Digital ones, the Discovery of Knowledge and the Acquisition of new Skills, but also the Rationale.  The Pursuits and Expectations from the New curricula concern: Their  thematics  that include not only classical science but also post-classical science (especially in high school), given that the applications of the latter from technology overwhelm our daily life. The educational / pedagogical transformation from information to knowledge (according to the age, capabilities, needs, mathematical tools ... ), with horizontal (with other subjects) and vertical (from class to class) interaction and connection, but also correlation with the database of exercises / questions. The application of the modern scientific - educational methodology by inquiry (using worksheets) which foresees / requires during the educational process real and mandatory experimentation that leads to the discovery of knowledge and the acquisition of skills. The utilization of educational technologies and of open and unlimited digital repositories and the interconnection of man and computer. The decision-making by students / future citizens with Rationality, after the application of the scientific-educational methodology in the educational process that investigates the natural world as it is investigated by scientific research. Four papers will be presented at the symposium.

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