Students’ views on the nature of solar radiation and its measurement. Exploration through a physical computing order

Published: Sep 17, 2024
Αrduino physical computing pyranometer solar radiation
Aristotelis Gkiolmas
Zografia Papanagiotou
Alexandra-Triantafyllia Papanagiotou
Artemisia Stoumpa
Aikaterini Benisi
Anthimos Chalkidis
Ilias Boikos
Vasiliki Psoma
Gianna Katsiampoura
Konstantinos Skordoulis

This article presents the results of an educational empirical research on the views of 4th grade students on solar radiation, its nature and how it is measured. The results of questionnaires and worksheets completed by students after the teaching intervention are reflected in order to familiarize them with solar radiation and its properties in measurement with a physical programming device. A sub-objective was to study solar radiation and describe its mode of incidence. The understanding of solar radiation was a key element in the description of the greenhouse effect and its effects. The approach used was experiential, with students working in groups to measure solar radiation within their school at different times and locations. The Arduino Uno based device and peripheral components were used for the measurement, creating a pyranometer.

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