The new Environmental Studies curriculum and lifelong learning skills in four european reference frameworks

Published: Sep 16, 2024
Environmental Studies Curriculum lifelong learning skills European reference frameworks
Panagiotis Piliouras
Vasiliki Ioakimidou
Marigo Paspaliari
Sofia Karagianni
Michael Kalogiannakis

The article's main aim is to research the degree of convergence of the new Curriculum of Environmental Studies with lifelong learning skills as reflected in four European reference frameworks, DigComp, EntreComp, LifeComp and GreenComp. Key points of the frameworks are identified focusing on the skills they promote, the Curriculum is briefly presented, followed by content analysis to identify points of convergence between the frameworks and Environmental Studies. The new Environmental Studies Curriculum seems to respond to the current trends in skills development as identified in the frameworks of reference expressing European educational policy.

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