The new High school Physics curriculum

George Tombras
Alexandros Kateris
George Polizois
George Kalkanis

During 2023, the drafting of the new High School Physics Curriculum was completed incorporating observations/improvements resulting from its pilot application in Model and Experimental schools. The High School Physics Curriculum (PS) in synergy with those of High School Physics and Primary School (grades 5 and 6), refer to the same thematic fields, which run through all grades, enriched and taking into account the newest findings of science and education with documentation based on the international literature. The basic method in the teaching framework is the scientific-educational method with inquiry, a central role in which is the evidentiary experimentation that leads the students to prepare a laboratory report for which they are evaluated. In this context, the PS focuses on scientific practices and integrates them into the teaching framework and learning design. Scientific practices require both the coordination of knowledge and skills, and engaging students in the practices of scientists provides them with a better understanding of what scientific knowledge is and how it is produced and modified. In High School Physics, the didactic transformations of the scientific content for each class take into account the cognitive (or age) and capabilities, attitudes, skills of the students, their cultural origins and / or the logistical support of the educational process and are perceived as the final educational good of the students / future citizens.

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