The new curriculum for teaching Physics in Gymnasium

Published: Sep 12, 2024
Gymnasium Physics New Curriculum Educational Methodology
Hector Nistazakis
Efstratios Kapotis
Georgia Roumpea
Athena Ginoudi
Konstantinos Keramidas
Anargyros Drolapas
Nikolaos Diamantis
George Kalkanis

In this paper, an attempt will be made to present the objectives, philosophy, adopted educational methodology, and innovative elements of the new Curriculum for the Physics (CP) of the three grades of the Gymnasium. The CP for Gymnasium Physics was published in the Government Gazette on January 30, 2023, after being piloted for two consecutive academic years (2021-2022 and 2022-2023) in Standard and Experimental Gymnasiums of our country, considering the feedback from this implementation. Its main characteristics are the presence of fundamental thematic units, appropriately integrated into corresponding thematic-cognitive fields (which run through all grades and are enriched each time accordingly), and the adoption of the scientific-educational method with inquiry. 

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