Digital learning objects for inquiry-based learning on public health

Published: Sep 17, 2024
Digital Learning Objects Inquiry-based Learning Public Health
Dimitris Chalkidis
Georgia Iatraki
Pavlos Gaintatzis
Anastasios Mikropoulos

24 new dynamic and interactive Digital Learning Objects (simulations, visualizations, concept maps, maps, timelines, environments of critical appraisal of sources, etc.) were developed within the PAFSE science education project. They focus on socio-scientific topics related to Public Health and communicable diseases. They offer multiple representations of natural phenomena, and highlighting transdisciplinary topics and the use of Mathematics in Science. They are accessible in English and Greek on the Photodentro PAFSE repository. The workshop aims at secondary teachers, educators, and researchers of general and special education in order to familiarize them with the software and suggest its contextualization within the inquiry-based learning framework with techniques, such as structured inquiry, guided inquiry, argumentation, and problem solving.

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