Teaching and understanding of the ecological footprint to Secondary school students

Published: Sep 16, 2024
Ecological Footprint (EF) learning impact teaching intervention (TI)
Theodora Meleti
Nikolaos Galanis
Alexandros Ambrazis
Penelope Papadopoulou
Georgios Panaras
Georgios Malandrakis

This study explores the evaluation of the learning impact of an educational module about Ecological Footprint (EF), το secondary students. An 8-hour long teaching intervention (TI) applied  to 39 students of a High School located in Western Macedonia. The data collection tool was administered before and after teaching intervention and was a questionnaire comprised of 24 open and closed-form questions, organized in 6 domains (diet, infrastructure/housing, energy consumption, goods and services, waste and transport), each one corresponding to respective EF domains. Results indicate α degree of improvement in 4 out of the 6 domains under study, however, with only one of them to be statistically significant.

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