STEM group: 3D Printing and educational robotics. The case of 1st EPAL Salamis

Published: Sep 17, 2024
Science Groups 3D Printing Educational Robotics
Chrysovalantis Kefalis
Petros Poutos
Constantine Skordoulis
Athanasios Drigas

In the context of this study, we present the experience gained from the implementation of the 3D Printing and Educational Robotics Club at the 1st Vocational High School of Salamina. In this educational setting, the students worked individually, incorporating blended learning strategies, combining face-to-face instruction and digital learning through an educational platform. Students created three-dimensional objects, explored robotics, and applied theory to practice. Their achievements, presented at the school's technology exhibition, showed significant progress in understanding and applying technological concepts. This process proved to be particularly positive, both for the students and for enhancing the educational environment of the school.

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