Shaping social-sustainability values in environmental education/ education for sustainable development through controversial local issues. The case of delignification in Western Macedonia

Published: Sep 16, 2024
Values EE/ESD delignification
Eleni Theofanidou
Penelope Papadopoulou

In this paper teachers’ perceptions are investigated regarding the value framework of sustainability along with whether Environmental Education/Education for Sustainable Development (EE/ESD) programs related to controversial local issues, namely the delignification (coal elimination) of Western Macedonia, can promote these values thus contributing to active citizenship and students’ future involvement in decision-making processes. The research was conducted through semi-structured interviews with 18 teachers according to the Grounded Theory (GT) approach. Findings showed that EE/ESD and teachers positively contribute in this direction even though the implementation of programs related to thorny issues of the local community is a difficult task.

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