Assessment of high school students in physics with a laboratory report. A case study

Published: Sep 16, 2024
Physics Lab Lab report Smart mobile device
Serafeim Tsoukos
Panagiotis Lazos
Alexandros Kateris
Pavlos Tzamalis
Athanasios Velentzas

This paper presents the application of the assessment of students with a laboratory report as demanded by the new Lyceum Physics Curriculum. The laboratory reports were carried out by students of the second grade of Lyceum in the subject of the Physics Higher Level, during the first term of the 2022-2023 school year. The application involved 40 students of a Model Lyceum of Athens and its topic was the investigation of energy loss between successive bounces of a basketball. To measure the time intervals between successive impacts of the ball with the floor, the students used the free application phyphox which they had pre-installed on a smart mobile device.

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