Teaching learning sequence for the introductory physics lab

Published: Sep 16, 2024
Physics Laboratory Measurement Uncertainty
Alexandros Kateris
Serafeim Tsoukos
Panagiotis Lazos
Pavlos Tzamalis
Athanasios Velentzas

In the present work, a Teaching Learning Sequence (TLS) about the work of students in the physics lab is presented. The learning objectives of this TLS are to familiarize students with basic concepts related to the teaching of physics in the laboratory (measurement–uncertainty–average value) as well as to practice them on the issues of taking measurements and processing data. More specifically, the rationale for structuring the TLS is presented, as well as the findings from its implementation and the points of improvement after feedback from this implementation. The difficulties encountered by the students are discussed and suggestions are made to teachers based on these findings.

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