Teachers' views about differentiated instruction in science and education for sustainability

Published: Sep 16, 2024
Differentiated instruction Science Education for Sustainability
Lamprini Papadopoulou
Athanasios Mogias

As teachers are called upon to organize teaching in such a way as to meet the needs and individual characteristics of their pupils, it is important to take advantage of differentiated instruction applicable to pupils with disabilities and/or special educational needs, or with developed mental abilities and talents, or from different cultural or religious backgrounds. The integration of differentiated instruction principles becomes even more important in Science and Education for Sustainability, as certain individual and collective skills are required from all participants in the teaching and learning process in order to meet the goals set by these fields. The present study, aiming to portray teachers' views on differentiated instruction and how this can be applied in Science courses and Education for Sustainability projects, reveals very limited knowledge on relevant issues, and therefore reduced utilization of differentiated instruction for both educational fields.

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