Teaching ecological footprint to high school students as a tool for promoting sustainable lifestyles

Published: Sep 16, 2024
Ecological Footprint (EF) TLS Greek online EF Calculator
Nikolaos Galanis
Georgios Malandrakis
Penelope Papadopoulou
Fanny Seroglou

The Ecological Footprint (EF) is a tool for assessing the environmental impact of our daily habits. Issuing a more sustainable lifestyle, a 20-hour Teaching- Learning Sequence (TLS) was designed and implemented to 81 7th grade students from a High School of Thessaloniki, aiming to reduce their EF. In this study, we evaluate the measurement of participants' EF before and after the TLS. For the collection of data, we used the Greek online EF Calculator of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. According to the results, participants' post-TLS EF decreased, as well as their needs expressed in number of earths.

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