A literature review of Primary school students’ perceptions and knowledge of the concept of sound

Dimitris Panagou
Konstantinos Kotsis

Over the past few years, students' perceptions of various Science concepts and phenomena have been identified and recorded. However, research that studies the perceptions and scientific knowledge of primary school students on topics related to the concept of sound is particularly limited. As a research approach, a systematic literature review highlighted 20 articles from reputable international journals, indexed by Scopus, Google Scholar, Elsevier, Springer Link, and Eric, which analyze students' perceptions and scientific knowledge of the concept of sound. This study examined the studies according to their general characteristics consisting of publication type, publication year, and research approach. The results will form the basis for concluding the situation in contemporary research but also for the formation of proposals for future research in the field of application and learning of the concept of sound in education.

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