Role of gender in STEM education

Πρακτικά Εκτεταμένων Συνόψεων Εργασιών
Published: Oct 3, 2023
gender STEM education students and teachers
Panagiota Kaisaridi
Evangelos Pappas
Zacharoula Smyrnaiou
Martha Georgiou

STEM education plays an important role in building knowledge and acquiring the skills needed for the 21st century. In fact, it is considered necessary for girls and boys to participate equally in it in order to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. This paper examines the impact of students' gender on their interest and engagement in STEM education as reflected in the international literature in recent years. In addition, the corresponding effect of teachers' gender is also examined. The literature research revealed that there is a stereotypical belief among teachers regarding the gender of students who succeed in STEM subjects (i.e. boys), thus pushing female students to avoid these subjects, both at school and at a later professional level. On the contrary, the presence of female teachers enhances the confidence of female students and their engagement. However, the effect is multifactorial.

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