Literature and science: Maria Curie through digital story-telling

Πρακτικά Εκτεταμένων Συνόψεων Εργασιών
Published: Oct 4, 2023
digital storytelling, literature, science, primary school, science
Sofia Karagianni
Mary Paspaliari
Vasiliki Ioakimidou
Panagiotis Piliouras

Digital storytelling is an alternative way of telling stories. Simultaneously, is an educational tool that facilitates teaching and enhances learning. Students practice 21st century skills, utilizing digital storytelling that responds to their interests and also the imperatives of the modern digital society. Through literacy and collaborative and inquiry-based learning, students get to know the life and work of Marie Curie, discover her contribution to the science and create a digital story. The result of this project is for students to learn about the great scientist while developing a set of literacy skills during the planning, creation and presentation of their digital story.

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