Students’ views on the nature of solar radiation and its measurement. Exploration through a physical computing order
Sep 26, 2023
Solar radiation, Arduino, pyranometer
This paper presents the results of an educational research on the views of 4th grade students on solar radiation, its nature and how it is measured. After an instructional intervention aimed at understanding solar radiation and describing its manner of incidence, the students complete questionnaires and worksheets. Through an experiential approach to the concept and through measurement based on physically based devices (Arduino), an understanding of solar radiation, an element essential for understanding the greenhouse effect and its impacts, is captured.
Article Details
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Παπαναγιώτου Z., Γκιόλμας, Α., Στούμπα, A., Σκορδούλης, K., Παπαναγιώτου, A.-T., Θεανώ, Λ. (2022). Διατάξεις με Arduino ως μέσο μέτρησης της θερμοκρασίας και της ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας. 3o Συνέδριο Scientix για την εκπαίδευση STEM, Αθήνα.
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