Teachers’ perceptions of Biology concepts and the nature of science: A literature review

Πρακτικά Εκτεταμένων Συνόψεων Εργασιών
Published: Sep 26, 2023
teachers biology alternative ideas
Dimitra Apostolaki
Charilaos Tsihouridis

Teaching biology is a demanding process, which is significantly affected by the alternative ideas held by teachers. Aim of the present work is to gather and study the alternative ideas of both in-service and pre-service teachers regarding concepts of biology such as the theory of evolution and the nature of science. The literature review includes 45 research articles. It was found that teachers hold alternative ideas to a significant extent, which if not addressed can be transferred to students. The ultimate goal is to optimize the education provided to students and to contribute to the upgrading of curricula and teacher training seminars.

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