The explicit use of the Toulmin model in collaborative dialogic environment, and its effects on the understanding of the coordination class “force”: A case study

Πρακτικά Εκτεταμένων Συνόψεων Εργασιών
Published: Sep 27, 2023
conceptual change argumentation force
Costas Naoum
Vasileios Kollias

This paper presents the results from the analysis of the dialogues of groups of secondary school students in a dialogic environment of argumentation in the course of physics and in the cognitive field "force and motion". The learning environment evoked intuitive perceptions and made instructional use of the Toulmin model through an artifact aimed at activating the mechanism of Quinian bootstrapping. The microgenetic analysis of the dialogues was based on the theoretical approaches of coordination class theory (CCT) (diSessa & Sherin, 1998). The analysis highlighted intertwined processes of coordination and bootstrapping, which led to students' conceptual improvement in the (concept) coordination class (CS) of force.

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