Students’ perceptions regarding concepts related to materials and their management and their experiences regarding recycling practices in the greek school

Πρακτικά Εκτεταμένων Συνόψεων Εργασιών
Published: Sep 24, 2023
perceptions, materials and objects, materials management, recycling
Marianthi Nastou
Aikaterini Plakitsi

This paper presents the investigation into the perceptions of concepts relating to Materials and their management in students. The research is part of a wider research, which aims to build a didactic model for teaching concepts of Science and the Cultivation of Thought for the Life Cycle of Materials to teachers who do not have a strong knowledge background in Science. The research tool was the questionnaire with closed and open type questions. The research findings revealed misunderstandings regarding the concepts that were being investigated. In addition, correlations emerged between the percentage of participants who apply recycling practices and the size of the city where they live, while it also appeared that participants had been taken a much greater part in recycling practices when they attended primary school than at any other stage of their student life.

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