Trends in STEM Education Research in Europe in 2005-2019

Published: Oct 12, 2024
Pedagogical foci trends in STEM education teacher training didactic triangle
Jarkko Lampiselkä
Arja Kaasinen
Päivi Kinnunen
Lauri Malmi

The article reviews science education literature from 2005 to 2019, focusing on pedagogical foci in two European publication venues. Using the Didactic Focus Categorization (DFC) method, it analyses research trends in Greece compared to broader European patterns. The study reveals that the most-studied areas are the relationship between students and learning goals, along with the influence of teachers on this relationship. However, certain areas, such as teachers' characteristics and classroom dynamics, remain underexplored. These findings highlight opportunities for further research, particularly in underrepresented areas, which could inspire new research questions and educational improvements. By identifying gaps and trends, this work contributes to a more holistic understanding of science education and encourages a more balanced approach in future studies.

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