From Connectivity to Competence: The Crucial Role of Tutors in Promoting Communication Quality, Student Autonomy, and Learning Effectiveness in Open and Distance Education Από τη συνδεσιμότητα στην ικανότητα: Ο κρίσιμος ρόλος των καθηγητών στην προώθηση της ποιότητας της επικοινωνίας, της αυτονομίας των μαθητών και της αποτελεσματικότητας της μάθησης στην Ανοικτή και εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση

Published: Sep 4, 2024
Panagiota Xanthopoulou
Alexandros Sahinidis
Persefoni Solomou
Cristalo Lappa

The present study aims to investigate the factors that contribute to the quality of communication between tutors and learners in Open and Distance Education. The study used a mixed research approach with a synthesis of quantitative and qualitative methods. The total sample consisted of 120 students at Hellenic Open University (HOU) who answered an online questionnaire and 73 of them participated in a supplementary structured interview. Findings showed that learners need the tutor to be encouraging and actively involved in the process of learning and developing their critical thinking. However, the research also underlined the learners’ belief that through a teleconference there is not a high frequency of interaction. The findings contribute to the effective communication between tutors and learners and to the further proper guidance and support of students in open and distance education.

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