Η αποτελεσματικότητα στις ομάδες: Η περίπτωση των Κέντρων Διεπιστημονικής Αξιολόγησης και Συμβουλευτικής Υποστήριξης (ΚΕ.Δ.Α.Σ.Υ.)

Φωτεινή Μπουκουβάλα
Σοφία Μπουτσιούκη

Interdisciplinarity is a key approach to various educational issues. The article presents the results of a survey, which was conducted among members of the interdisciplinary teams of the Centers for Interdisciplinary Assessment and Supportive Counselling (KE.D.A.S.Y.) using the “Team Effectiveness Diagnostic” questionnaire of the London Leadership Academy. The purpose of the research was to investigate the perceptions of the KE.D.A.S.Y. scientific staff regarding the degree of effectiveness of interdisciplinary teams and the factors that influence it. The analysis of the research findings showed that the participants feel more effective when working in interdisciplinary teams, especially in terms of achieving the goals and objectives set. On the contrary, they consider themselves less effective in processes involving immediate and effective problem solving, flexibility, constant role changes, and cooperation with other teams. The analysis of variance showed that experience, training and expertise play a significant role in achieving greater efficiency.

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