Αντιλήψεις και προσδοκίες των επιχειρήσεων σχετικά με την πρακτική άσκηση των φοιτητών: Ποιοτική διερεύνηση μιας αλληλεπιδραστικής εμπειρίας

Published: Sep 4, 2024
traineeship work-based learning student university business labor market
Σοφία Μπουτσιούκη
Μαριάνθη Καρατσιώρη
Βασίλειος Κόνιαρης
Αικατερίνη Τσαλαμπούνη

The aim of this paper is to present the findings of a qualitative study that was carried out among business executives between July and December 2022 in order to record their perceptions and attitudes regarding work-based learning. The research method that was used was the interview, while the content analysis of the subjects' responses led to the formation of specific thematic axes and facilitated their qualitative analysis. The study highlighted the fact that the representatives of the market have confidence in student traineeships and recognize the significant benefits for the students and for the host institutions. On the other hand, the respondents underlined the danger of businesses being deterred from offering traineeship positions because of potential difficulties that may arise before or during the traineeship period. Finally, the analysis shows the significant value of traineeship programs as a learning framework that can benefit both universities and businesses as well as students by facilitating their smooth transition from their studies to the labor market and enhancing innovation. This research, which was part of the activities of the research project “Higher Education Work Experience Programmes” (Hi.Ed.WEP) and was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.), could serve as a basis for future research.

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