Ο θεσμός του Μέντορα στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία

Published: Sep 4, 2024
Mentor Mentoring Education
Σωτηρία Μαρτίνου

From the school year 2022-23, the Mentor institution is introduced in Primary and Secondary Education. The purpose of this paper is to present the mentorship and highlight its importance for the newly entering teachers. We will get to know the duties and responsibilities of the Mentors, their term of office, the criteria for their appointment and how to choose them. In our work, there will be a focus on the support needs of novice teachers and the characteristics of the mentor and mentee for the success of the structured program of mentoring of novice teachers. The stages of the mentoring relationship, the benefits of those involved in mentoring and the contribution of the Mentor institution to the formation of teaching, as a process of professional learning and teacher development, will also be highlighted. The effectiveness of the mentoring process will also be demonstrated through the self-evaluation of the participants, the formative and the final evaluation in the mentoring.

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