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Published: Sep 4, 2024
Καραΐσκου, E., Κοκκίνου, Α, Μαυρογιάννη, Α. & Ρεντίφης, Γ. (επιμ.) Καραΐσκου, E., Κοκκίνου, Α, Μαυρογιάννη, Α. & Ρεντίφης, Γ. (επιμ.)

Authors bear full responsibility for the entire content (including the references) of their paper.


Publisher: Hellenic Scientific Institute of Economics of Education, Lifelong Learning, Research and Innovation


Electronic Publisher: Greek National Documentation Centre


Edited by:

Elisavet Karaiskou, Aikaterini Kokkinou, Aristea Mavrogianni & Gerasimos Rentifis



Karaiskou, E., Kokkinou, A., Mavrogianni, A. & Rentifis, G. (eds). (2024). Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference “Greece – Europe 2030: Education, Research, Innovation, New technologies, Institutions and Sustainable Development”, Heraklion, 7-10 September 2023. Athens:  Published by the Hellenic Scientific Institute of Economics of Education, Lifelong Learning, Research and Innovation, Electronic Publisher: Greek National Documentation Centre.


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